All posts by Jerry Lim Yishun

MAJOR revamp

Went home at 3.00am last night.

Nope, I did not went to chiong. In fact, I wasn’t at home for the past 35 hours. Nope, I am not an angst-filled teenager who were running away from home. I was just engaged in some work .

And it set me thinking. What I had done for the past 18 months, which could be valuable archive for me, wasn’t documented! I had missed out on so much.

In addition, Cobalt Paladin gave me the additional inspiration and motivation. His entries, as an entrepreneur is an excellent journal documenting his journey to his success in his business. It also serves as a think aloud platform for him to reflect and look back on what he has done.

Therefore, why can’t I do that too?

Sooooooooo, as the entry title suggested, I would be going for a MAJOR revamp in this blog. Not just the entries, which I always had struggled to fill in, especially I do not have much of a social life. But the content. Content of my entrepreneur road trip with a couple of my buddies, content of my complains hee hee, contents of lessons learnt along the way.

Will start off with some archive lessons learnt from my previous foray. Stay tuned.

Back Today!!!

Ha ha…

Some of you guys might be wondering why there are postings to my blog despite being MIA for the past few days.

In fact, I am writing this now @ Sunday, 10 June 2007, probably 40 degrees weather, in my room posting all these in advance!

Will be back today and you will see the latest update soon!

Anyway, brought my laptop along, so will be updating regular. However, since there is archive for the past few days and next few days, you will get to see it soon!

Men In White Part 3

And here we are, at Al Dente.

However, it has it’s own fair share of adventure too. 10 minutes after we ordered our food, the *poor* waitress came and told us that the fondue is not available.

June was available. Clarence was fuming. (Ok, I exaggerated. Well , he wasn’t too happy about it. All of us wasn’t happy, too.)

The drinks was prepared but Clarence refused to accept it unless there’s confirmation that fondue is available, especially since the floor manager told us there is before we decided to enter.

Anyway, the poor waitress told us that there is fondue 5 minutes later. And we accept the drinks anyway.

And my conspiracy came after that. Will the chef and the bartender add ‘special ingredients’ to our food? I don’t know. Anyway, it was a typical makan session from Stickmen!


That’s the fondue and tiramisu!

Our drinks. Strawberry Margarita, Singapore Sling, Sex on the Beach and one more dunno-what.

Men In White Part 2

In true blue Stickmen fashion, we had to ‘shop-hop’ 3 places before we confirmed on where we had our supper.

Shop 1: Haagen-Daz.
We wanted to settle for the fondue. However, it was not available, perhaps sold out for the day? Anyway, we barely warmed the seat before we decided, nope, we shall not settle for anything less.

So off we go. ONE.

Shop 2: Max Brenner Chocolate Bar
Peered around the entrance. Saw fondue on some of the patron’s table. Decided to go in. Checked with the staffer about the chocolate fondue. Well, all I can say is we left the place even before we got to sit down.

So off we go again. TWO.

Shop 3: MakanSutra Glutton’s Bay
Found seats there. Disappointed. We were almost raising the white flags to fate when June saw a billboard of fondue by Al Dente! We were delighted! However, after lessons learnt from the previous 2 eateries, we were more cautious before we leave the Glutton’s Bay. Therefore, Clarence and I went in and CONFIRM that there is fondue before we called the rest in. and yup, there was. And off we go again, from shop 3 to final pitshop, Al Dente.

And yup, confirm and guarantee chop that pictures are up tomorrow. :)

Men In White Part 1

It just initially a bored Tuesday and got a SMS from Anthony that there was free tickets to the charity premiere of ‘Men In White’, a local horror-comedy.

Well, there was horror. Horribly Lame.
There was comedy. All of us are laughing how lame it was.

If that’s what the director had intended it to be, probably he has succeed it very very much.
However, at the expense of jeopardizing his reputation, I supposed?

*Sorry Kelvin Tong. I know you are a good director. But this film doesn’t do you justice. Apologies extended to Shuan Chen. This film doesn’t do you justice too, especially as your debut. You are a great actor. This film shows only 5% of your talent.*

The goodies was probably the ‘supper/desert’ session the rest of us went after that…

Look out for the entry tomorrow for the great pics of our makan!

Random Pictures Series #2: Uniquely Singapore – ‘Chomping Seats’


Not really random picture series, but an excuse to kick start my random picture series.
As what the chinese idioms says, 百闻不如一见, this shot was taken from Lau Pa Sat (Tanjung Pagar, Shenton Way, Central Business District, Singapore Financial District ) when Xuehui and I went to meet Dave for lunch. (Getting my WorldCard for my “MIA-ing” by the way from Yvonne)

It’s so true! You see galores of tissue paper everywhere!  And I thought only ladies does that! Men do that too! OMG!

Seeing the scene yesterday, gave me an inspiration…. Ha ha… shall reveal soon when the time is right.

Random Pictures Series!

This would be the latest series in my blog!

Instead of continuing my Random Thought Series which I realize those people I know started to do that too after I started it, I guess, it’s time for me to start a new series… that is…

Random Picture Series!

As the cliche says, ‘a picture speaks a thousand words’ right?

However, the debut of this random series is not really ‘random’ either. It is just pictures of my recently concluded Hong Kong trip!


It was the place where you get to 买东西,吃东西! As you can see, enjoy Xu Liu Shan, Krispy Kreme, 鸡蛋仔, and more!

Well, this is just a temporary picture of my holiday! More to be up once I edited it *properly*! Ha ha!