Category Archives: Gallery

Last Entry

This could be the last blog entry in

4 years, 8 months and 26 days (28 April 2003) since my first ‘recorded’ entry (My first entry is far far earlier than this, say 2001, but I had lost the record), this blog, is, and could be going to the end.

Before you guys go into a panic and start asking me what’s wrong or anything bad happened, don’t worry, I am fine.

This decision, is purely a commercial reason.

Frankly speaking, a huge part of me doesn’t want this blog to go. This blog, has been accompanying me over these few years, watched me smile, cry and grow up. Memories recorded and archived at

I am trying to find a suitable new home for this blog. Afterall, I can’t just ‘delete’ almost 5 years worth of memories, right?

Will keep you guys updated.

Photo Gallery – Totally Random Pictures

Sorry for the lack of updates for my pictures. Ha ha. Did not have the chance to take more photographs these few days. My convenient excuse would be, ‘It’s the Exam week!’.

Anyway, there is no interconnectivity links between these 2 photos.. except for.. hrm..  The theme is ‘Jerry’, because… one of the picture is about my birthday cake, and the other, is me!


Thanks to Joshua for this picture, and making me looking ‘professional’ and ‘serious’ when I was trying to learn how to take photos with the DSLR.


This is the same birthday cake which I blogged a couple of days ago. It is still the same picture! Castor, introduced me a program, Capture One yesterday and some of the stuff they provide,  is fansinating!


Cake From Lil’ Foot Patisserie (Disclaimer: These photos are taken by moi. Not  from the site. Ha ha!)
Capture One

Joshua (for the first photo of moi)

Photo Gallery – Ritual

Another set of random (training) pictures today, which I called it ‘Ritual’.

Ritual - Around the Pot
Ritual – Around the Pot
[When I first saw this scene, it reminds me of a big pot with a circle of lights surrounding it. The plant at the side gave it a 'tribal' feel.]

Ritual - Water
Ritual – Water
[OK, I made up this. I was just trying to  find another picture to complement the photo above and I found this. The water, with the row of lights at the end, looks like a ritual which a person may go through, or something like that. Maybe someone will just walk on the water!]

Venue: Marriot Hotel, Orchard, Singapore

Photo Gallery – Fire & Ice

Took these photos at random today. Actually, training pictures.

I call it Fire & Ice.

Personally, I like the ‘Ice’ Version, because firstly, it fits the UOB corporate colour, and it is the Xmas season now!
The ‘Fire’ version , would be a complimentary picture and you guys could be able to see the contrast better.

UOB - Fire 
UOB – Ice

UOB - Ice
UOB – Fire


Venue: UOB ATM outisde Tangs, Orchard, Singapore

About 4:30 …

430hom.jpgJust finished watching 4:30 by Royston Tan. Bought the DVD this afternoon. Did not manage to watch it when it was on the big screen.fs_8days_hpfc-ad-430.jpg Apparently, I could not find anyone that can appreciate this movie together, and in the end, did not went to watch the move. All I can say, I regretted not watching it when it was on screen. It was a damn great movie.

It does not have the CGI SFX you see in blockbusters, nor the million dollars budget that entire you to get wow over. However, what it sells is the simplicity in the story telling. IT IS TELLING A STORY. And that’s very rare in movies nowadays. You have to watch the movie to know, and get in touch with the characters in the show.

Yes, you will not regret it.