In true blue Stickmen fashion, we had to ‘shop-hop’ 3 places before we confirmed on where we had our supper.
Shop 1: Haagen-Daz.
We wanted to settle for the fondue. However, it was not available, perhaps sold out for the day? Anyway, we barely warmed the seat before we decided, nope, we shall not settle for anything less.
So off we go. ONE.
Shop 2: Max Brenner Chocolate Bar
Peered around the entrance. Saw fondue on some of the patron’s table. Decided to go in. Checked with the staffer about the chocolate fondue. Well, all I can say is we left the place even before we got to sit down.
So off we go again. TWO.
Shop 3: MakanSutra Glutton’s Bay
Found seats there. Disappointed. We were almost raising the white flags to fate when June saw a billboard of fondue by Al Dente! We were delighted! However, after lessons learnt from the previous 2 eateries, we were more cautious before we leave the Glutton’s Bay. Therefore, Clarence and I went in and CONFIRM that there is fondue before we called the rest in. and yup, there was. And off we go again, from shop 3 to final pitshop, Al Dente.
And yup, confirm and guarantee chop that pictures are up tomorrow.