Daily Archives: May 25, 2009

Long Time No Update


Just realized that it has been almost a year since I update this blog (proper).

Don’t know the reason why, but there is no urge to post every little things in my life onto the blog anymore. Perhaps due to the nature of what I am doing now, perhaps due to *age* (ha!), perhaps many other reasons that I wish to keep myself more private. (Afterall, I am half a *public figure*! Still getting used to *strangers* calling my name when I am out on the street, scratching my nose)

Life has been stable  for myself, although there is occasionally *emo* period (guys also can have PMS one, alright, except that I will *lao sai* all along long for couple of days during that period :P ). As I am double hatting in serveral roles, I have a tendency to work all day long, even the weekends. Busy, but fulfilling I guess. (Well, I need to work harder to go for my holidays!)

Writer’s block le.. Dunno what to write.